On-Disk Filter Sets

Filtration systems Hidro Solo can be sized for any flow rate and pressure.
  • Best Cost Benefit.

    Best Cost Benefit.

  • For Over 40 Years Innovating and Evolving.

    For Over 40 Years Innovating and Evolving.

  • We operate throughout Brazil and Latin America.

    We operate throughout Brazil and Latin America.

Product Description

Filtration systems Hidro Solo can be sized for any flow rate and pressure.

We use A36 carbon steel in screen filters and manifolds, and aluminum in couplings and 3-way valves to backwash, this gives practicality and versatility in the assembly.

Backwash Process:

We also have the option to automate the backwash the screen filters through a programmable control panel, by time or by pressure drop.

The automated backwash process is carried out by control unit which sends a signal to the solenoids at predetermined time or due to a preset head loss. These solenoids send a hydraulic signal that opens the backwash valves, reversing the flow and removing contaminants deposited on the screen mesh.

For manual backwash, simply activate the 3-way valve on the backwash valve lid.

Construction characteristics


MODELO Área de Filtração (cm²)

Vazão - m³/h

Qualidade da Água

Média Ruim Muito Ruim
2 x 2" x T x Normal 2040 40 30 20
2 x 2" x T x Super 2984 55 45 25
2 x 3" x T x Super 2984 65 50 30
3 x 3" x T x Super 4476 95 75 45
2 x 3" x H x Super 5968 110 85 50
3 x 3" x H x Super 8952 160 130 75
4 x 3" x H x Super 11936 215 170 100
5 x 3" x H x Super 14920 270 215 130

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